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How to Sew Invisible Zippers

Invisible zippers are the sweethearts of all garment sewers, and they deserve the perfect finish at the neckline. This method for installing an invisible zipper minimizes bulk at the top edge of the garment and gives a clean finish on the wrong and right sides. It couldn’t be easier because there is no hand sewing with this method. It can all be done with your sewing machine. Once you’ve mastered this technique, you’ll never want to use traditional zippers again.

Read this article in full by clicking on the View PDF icon below.

This article, by Threads staff seamstress and alterations expert Norma Bucko, is from Threads #156, Aug./Sept. 2011

For another sewing expert’s take on installing and finishing invisible zippers, check out the Industry Insider Techniques video “Finish the Invisible Zipper Top,” featuring Louise Cutting.

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  1. ElizaDolittle | | #1

    The link isn't working. Can't download the article.

  2. Evamarie | | #2

    Hi ElizaDolittle, Do you have Adobe Acrobat installed on your machine?

  3. user-2128640 | | #3

    Can't download the article either. I have Adobe installed too!

  4. Ika | | #4

    I alsocan't downloadthe article.

  5. Evamarie | | #5

    I'm terribly sorry that you are experiencing issues opening up the article. The link and.pdf are working properly on our end. Please do the following:

    1. Try closing out your browser or refreshing the page. Sometimes the articles take time to load. You may see a black or gray screen before the actual article appears.

    2. If that doesn't work, please let us know whether you are using a MAC or PC and which web browser you are using, i.e. Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Safari...

  6. nani | | #6

    Thanks for the article sharing your invisible zipper techniques! I find invisible zippers are easier to intall than a reguular lapped zipper. But mine always ended awkward at the top and bottom of the zipper. I would love to see a video of your lesson. I did not really understand step 3 of Getting a Bulk Free Finish. Thank you again,Ihope you write more lessons on your techniques!

  7. Nightowlgal | | #7

    I can't download the article -- I get the error 404 page not found. The message reads "Oops! We're sorry, but we can't seem to find the page you are looking for." Is the link broken?

  8. lucyang | | #8

    Hi Norma: I am a little disappointed because what is shown here is the same article of the August/September 2011 issue that I already have. I have the same problem as Nani, my finish is not neat. I wish you could prepare a good video to see exactly what you do. Thank you for your time and for sharing your knowledge. Have a great 2013.

  9. user-681854 | | #9

    I am also unable to open this article. It continually closes my internet down. I am using a pc and Internet Explorer. I am very disappointed and hope that you can tell me what else I can try to open this article.
    Thank you.

  10. feeddogsdown | | #10

    I am using an iPad and had been unable to open the article by pressing the download button. But if I copy the URL the download button links to and remove https:// from the beginning of the URL the article in PDF format opens.

  11. nancyc | | #11

    I use the method for installing invisible zippers as discribed on the Janome site. In this method you sew the seam up to the bottom of the zipper opening and then install the zipper. you will need to read the directions at janome.com. I find it much easier to get consitant results, easpecially at the bottom of the zipper. For me the open seam method usually results in a bubble at the bottom of the zipper . I also always use fusible interfacing on the fashion fabric where I am installing the zipper. I do use the above method to finish the top

    Nancy C

  12. user-2880813 | | #12

    Hidden zipper sewed my first skirt instructions, but to my surprise after sewing I can not close the zipper, I do not know what I did wrong?
    (Would love to have the answer to my email too)

  13. ClaudiaLR | | #13

    Thank you. I prefer the method by Linday Maynard (Spelling?), another Threads editor, as explained by Kenneth King in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dilNiUyuL28. But he doesn't address a lining or facing, which this PDF does. Thanks.

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