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The Winner of the 2013 SewStylish Fall Fashion Challenge is…

Sewista's Crinkle Taffeta Jacket was chosen as the winner in an online vote!

Congratulations to ThreadsMagazine.com online user Sewista on winning this year’s SewStylish Fall Fashion Challenge! Her Crinkled Taffeta Jacket was chosen as the winner in an online vote by ThreadsMagazine.com users. Sewista will receive a Juki MO-654DE Serger worth $1,320.00! 

Thank you to everyone who entered this year’s contest. Be sure to check out all of the other great entries in the contest gallery.


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  1. bunnypep | | #1

    I am so excited. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I have to say it is an honor to compete with such wonderfully made garments . I truly think every finalist should be the winner as all the garments are spectacular.

    I am looking forward to receiving my new Juki and putting it through it's paces. Thank you again, Threads/Sew Stylish for being such a large part of my sewing universe for many years. My sewing is better because of your magazines.

    Bunny Pepin

  2. User avater
    ppinnc | | #2

    Congratulations, Bunny !! You were too stiff competition for me. Do you think I could come over and give your new Juki
    a test drive ?? ! Happy sewing, ppinnc

  3. Sherrmann | | #3

    Congratulations, Bunny. It's a beautiful jacket. Enjoy your prize.

  4. smockerlady | | #4

    Hi there,

    So thrilled to learn of Bunny's win. As an avid fan of her fabulous blog, and also a follower of Threads, it really is an honour and a joy to get to know you and your work!!

    The competition was stiff, and as Bunny has said on her blog, all the entries were amazing.

    We learn from you all, and because of it we strive to raise our game.

    Enjoy the machine Bunny. Hope that you could share some tips with us on your blog about how to use a serger and how to get the best from it. Christmas is coming and I am sure there will be quite a few sewingsista's getting their first ever serger to play with!!

  5. User avater
    Sewista | | #5

    I will sit down and sew or just talk sewing with anyone anytime. Your loopy jacket was fabulous and so beautifully made, ppinnc. You made me very nervous!

  6. User avater
    Sewista | | #6

    FWIW. Sewista and unnypep are one and the same. I had to change emails and you know how that works. Just didn't want any confusion.

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