I am trying to find an article by Kenneth King on fitting a jacket. I thought it was in Threads and has been over two years ago. He used a muslin and did a lot of marking, pinning and repinning. The key thing for me about this article was after making the muslin, he then made a jacket that was going to require additional changes in the bust area. One the muslin he cut right under the bust area. But not sure what else he did.
Hopefully someone reading this will remember the article and The Threads article. I don’t believe it was Sew News. Any feedback will be appreciated.
It is not in Threads. I have two files of all the contents of Threads up to issue #122. When you open these Word files just press Ctrl+F and enter the keyword .....
You can also go to the Threads site, http://www.taunton.com/cgi-bin/artresult-th.cgi, and put similar keywords to find out if or where it is in any issue
Edited 1/3/2006 5:06 am ET by rekha
Actually, it IS in Threads...Issue 102, page 59:)
I didn't realise that this article was a pattern about jackets.
Thank you that was the very article I was seeking. I knew it was about a jacket muslin but the title does not hint at that at all.
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