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Books- Jackets for Real People

Reina | Posted in Fitting on

Has anyone purchased the books Jackets For Real People and Pants for Real People.  If you have, are they worth purchasing?  I am making a jacket and would like to make better fitting pants.  Thank you.


  1. MargieT | | #1

    Hi! I have `Pants for Real People' and I believe it is worth every cent. It shows you how to fit properly [using the tissue fitting method] with clear and detailed instructions  and more importantly - it works! The book also has lots of good information on such things as invisible zips and converting waistbands to a facing. Give it a try and you won't be disappointed.

    Edited 4/18/2007 4:59 am ET by MargieT

  2. Lynnelle | | #2

    I have Fit for Real People and Pants for Real People.  I bought Fit... first and love it.  It is what prompted me to by Pants..., though I have yet to use it.  I recommend them both.


  3. Fanshawe | | #3

    I have all three of the fit books, they are great...I also have the Jackets for Real People DVD which is very good. It is focused more on construction than fitting, however. I am a very "visual" person so the DVDs work well for me. There are two "Pants" DVDs also, but I have not seen either of them.

    1. amapola | | #8

      I have the Pants fro Real People book. It is a very good one on pants. I also have the DVD, Fitting Techniques. Between the book and the DVD, I am not having any problem understanding and doing it.

  4. Ralphetta | | #4

    I know your question was about books but wanted to let you know that I love Sandra Betzina's video on pants.

  5. SewFit | | #5

    I have recently purchased both books but haven't gotten into them yet.

    Glad to hear the good comments.


  6. victoria0001 | | #6

    I have Pants For Real People and it has been the best instruction book I've ever bought.  Well worth the money.

  7. Teaf5 | | #7

    I learned a lot from both. I memorized relevant sections as I browsed in a bookstore on vacation and would've bought them if I'd had space in my luggage. The best part of that seires is that the models look real, like me, so I knew that the garment alterations would work for me, too.

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