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Conversational Threads

Greetings from the assistant editor

Deana | Posted in General Discussion on


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I’m a new assistant editor here at Threads, and what you could call an advanced-beginner level sewer. I learned to sew when I was young, put it aside for some years, and in the last couple of years I dove back into the hobby and can’t stop. I bet many of you can relate to that! I’m so excited to be a part of the Threads team and I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I’ll be helping our editor answer your questions. In particular, I’ll be here to chat with and support other sewing newbies or beginning level sewers and to sleuth out any questions you might have as you go along. So, feel free to send me a question and don’t be surprised if I pop in on a thread to say hello or offer encouragement.

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Thanks and happy sewing!

Deana Tierney, Assistant Editor, Threads


  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    Welcome Deana!  The more the merrier!!!  I think this is the best forum going.  We learn so much from each other and have fun along the way.. Mary

    1. User avater
      Deana | | #2

      Thanks Mary! I'm glad to hear you like the forum. I'm looking forward to learning from everyone as well.

      1. Kiley | | #3

        Nice to meet you Deanna. Congratulations on your new position. It is nice knowing of your interest in our needs and opinions. I hope you enjoy the forum and your new career.

        1. busybee | | #4

          Hi Deana,

          Welcome to the forum, I am in the Uk but have the magazine every issue - cant wait for it to come thru. I really enjoy the forum and have learnt no end - also finding my way round America/ Canada with the websites discussed.  Great stuff.

          All the best, Busybee

  2. thimbles1260 | | #5

    Welcome Deana!  C ongratulations on your new job!!  It must be exciting to join the staff of such a wonderful magazine!  I'm fairly new to this group myself, but I have found the participants here to be friendly, helpful and welcoming.  I'm sure you will find the same.

    1. User avater
      Deana | | #6

      Thank you all for your warm welcome! I'm learning a bunch from reading all the posts. There's so much great insight here.    

  3. needlefull | | #7

    Thanks Deana,
    I am new to this web site, not to mention more or less new to sewing. I know many of you learned how to sew when you were younger from your moms or grandmas. If you were me, would you take private sewing lessons at $55.00 an hour, or group lessons at $35.00 an hour. I once took group and it felt most of my time was waiting for my instructor to come around to me again. In addition, if I were to take private, is the best way to learn sewing by completing projects, or by doing one task over and over again until I get it, i.e. putting in zippers. Thanks for your help, and if anyone else wants to respond, I'm listening.

    1. User avater
      Aless | | #8

      Hi and welcome to the 'sisterhood' .

      I am entirely self taught,through necessity(couldn't afford lessons when I first married 30+ years ago),despite having a mother who sewed practically all of our clothes. She would not teach me to sew, but did give me a machine for my 21st birthday.

      I have found that learning to sew has taught me more patience than I ever thought I would have. I have used good(not expensive) books which have become more specialised as I progress.These books, the actual pattern instructions, and lots and lots of practice are the tools which have stood me in good stead. That old saying of practice making perfect is really true in the case of sewing. I truly believe that persistence is the key. What level you choose to sew at is up to you.When I started, I would never have believed that I would one day make tailored jackets and evening dresses,not to mention bags,soft furnishings etc. I was always prepared to 'give it a go'.

      Have faith in yourself, and keep asking questions on this site and others on the 'net. I would have loved to have had this resource when I started. Good luck!!

      Oh, one important thing I should have said-allow yourself to make mistakes. If we knew how to do everything,we wouldn't be learners,would we?

      Edited 8/22/2006 3:25 am by Aless

      1. needlefull | | #10

        Thanks so much for the advice! I appreciate it all.

    2. jkimes | | #9

      Hi Needlefull,I learned sewing by osmosis--my mother has sewn since she was small, and made most of our clothes when we were growing up.
      Based on other classes I've taken (mostly languages), I would try to find a small class--maybe 4 people max, at your level. I think learning with others makes it easier to ask questions that may seem too simplistic, and others may ask questions you wouldn't think of on your own. Good luck!

    3. mygaley | | #11

      Every state has a Cooperation Extension Service, check your phone book under your State University.  They offer all kinds of classes, brochures and lessons and there is no extra charge because it's already paid for with our tax dollars.  Our local Extension Home Economist will answer a question personally and also offers classes.  I know I've gone to seed on this answer, but this is a wonderful service that includes everything a landowner/homeowner/farmer/householder needs to know, and yes, they do make house calls.  You may once have known of these services as County Agent, Home Demonstration or 4-H.  Galey 

      PS  after I had been sewing about 20 years I read in a Palmer/Pletsch book that the way to learn to put in zippers or make buttonholes was to do it for 50 times or one hour, whichever came first.  When I tried this my nemesis, zippers, became automatic to me. 

      Edited 8/22/2006 2:18 pm ET by mygaley

    4. Teaf5 | | #14

      At $35-55 per hour, you should be paying for a well-qualified professional, but I'm not sure how many of those are actually available to teach individuals. Sewing is very time-consuming, and teaching it is even more so, so it might cost a lot to make very little progress. That is, you don't need a top-notch professional overseeing all your practice time, but you do need someone who is well-trained and knowledgeable who can get you going and check in on you now and then as you work.I would recommend, as other posters did, community college or community center classes or adult ed. classes, most of which include many hours of instruction (and individual work) over a period of a few months, usually for a fairly low fee. Or, if those are not available in your community, you might find more experienced sewers in your social or club groups who might be willing to get together for "sew and learn" sessions in exchange for something besides money or just as a social gathering--like the old quilting bees. In my town, I help my friend with her sewing problems, and she brings me fresh vegetables from her farm or looks after my house while I'm on vacation. It's a very informal arrangement, but she's learned about zippers, buttonholes, linings, thread and needle selection, and I've enjoyed her company and the great vegetables!

  4. Alicia | | #12

    Congratulations on your position with Threads.  I am sure you will be a great asset.  I will look forward to your popping in to chat when ever you find the time.

    1. joansewz | | #13

      You might check out your local Adult Ed. Classes or your local Community College.  Both of them offer sewing classes in my area (SF Bay area).

      Sewing is a wonderfully satisfying hobby/skill.  Good luck.



    2. pkibbee | | #15

      All the best in your new position.  I am really please with the last few issues of Threads and think it is going in the right direction.  I have saved every issue since #1 and refer to them often for ideas, techniques and inspiration. 

      Priscilla Kibbee


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