ultra suede or polar fleece flower pins

I would like some help in making a flower pin from ultra suede or polar fleece to use as a closure on the center of a polar fleece shrug. I have use rosettes in the past but am looking for something different, maybe a black eyed susan, daisy or whatever but something that doesn’t flop around, and lies flat against the garment. I have something in mind that would be about 2 1/2″ or 3″ in diameter with a glued pinback on the back that would be pinned whereever the wearer wants to put it to close the fronts of the shrug.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Ellen Younkins
Dear Ellen
you might want to look at this link. it's a differnent flower from what i usaully see.
good luck!
from Netanya
Thanks for your info on flower pins.Ellen
There is another site that you might find interesting. I think it may have been mentioned in a previous Threads mag. It's redheadamy.com. This artist is based in NYC and her flowers look quite lovely.
Thanks for your info on flowers. The site that you directed me to had some very interesting and creative flower designs.Ellen
Here's a pattern for some great looking flowers:
Julie B
No Va
Thanks for your input on flower patterns.Ellen
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