Sewing for Children, by Emma Hardy, features 35 projects specially designed to teach children to sew.
Share the joy of sewing with your children or grandchildren.
Sewing is an enjoyable activity that can be easily shared between generations, so why not take some time to sew with your children or granchildren? Sewing for Children, published by CICO Books guides children through the basic techniques and skills needed to create a variety adorable projects, and also shows them how to have fun in the process.
Sewing for Children, by Emma Hardy, features 35 projects specifically designed to help children learn to sew. As you read the book, you and your child are guided with step-by-step instructions that allow both of you to unleash your creativity and lead you to gather fabric scraps from around the house and turn them into beautiful creations.
Make “Animals and Other Creatures” or enjoy “Fashion Fun”
The first chapter, “Animals and Other Creatures,” features simple projects like Sock Monsters and Finger Puppets. Once children understand the basic skills needed to complete these projects, and after they practice to improve their own skills, they can progress to more complicated projects. The “Fashion Fun” chapter includes Embroidered Jeans and Barrettes, both of which enable children to add signature style to their favorite garments and exhibit their mastery of additional sewing techniques.
Author Emma Hardy has also written other sewing books
In addition to Sewing for Children, Emma Hardy is the author of Green Crafts for Children and Sewing in No Time. Emma has also worked as a stylist and designer for various lifestyle magazines like Country Homes and Interiors and Marie Claire.
You could be one of two randomly selected winners
Threads will send Sewing for Children to TWO lucky winners. To enter, FIRST CHANGE YOUR AVATAR associated with your Threads ID from one of our stock images to one of your own. It can be a picture of you, something you made, or even an illustration. If you already have an avatar with an original image, you can enter the drawing now by simply leaving a comment.
To change your avatar, click on “My Threads” above. Next, click on “Edit My Settings” in the upper right corner of the window. Then, click “Change Your Profile Image” and upload the image of your choice from your computer. The image can be up to 4 MB or 1,200 pixels.
To enter the drawing, leave a comment displaying a personal avatar.
Leave a comment on this post before the deadline—11:59 pm, Monday, June 28—and you could be one of the TWO lucky winners who will be chosen at random and announced on Wednesday, June 30.
Good luck!
I love the Threads Mag., it gives me so many ideas. Just have to find the time to express all my ideas in my creations.
This little cutie with me in my AVATAR picture is my youngest daughter (child #7). She is three now and is already learning how to sew!! All she needs is fabric scraps and string. She wraps the fabric scraps around the doll and secures it with string. I also bought her a tiny sewing machine which she loves to sew straight lines on scrap fabric. Thanks for this great article on teaching the little ones to sew!!
This book looks fantastic. My oldest is turning 5 and loves to pretend to sew costumes and dresses. I am looking for a way to begin the real sewing lessons and this may just be it!
This book would be fantastic to own. I'm a self taught sewer. I sew for my step children and my neighbor girls who are 5 and 9. I'm still a beginner and this would teach me so much. I use donated fabrics and re purpose things to create something beautiful. Having several health issues Sewing has become a great source of therapy for the bad days.
This would be so much fun for my daughters and my nephews!
This book would be great for my granddaughter.
I already love sewing with my 8 year old daughter! She sews on her vintage Singer "Sewhandy" and/or we sew together on projects.
It is wonderful to pass my love of sewing on to her, and she loves it too! Already! It is so great! :)
Okay, I changed it!
Was not so hard.
Have no little people in my life but have been itching to sew for a little girl!
i would love, cherish and use this book for gifts and my homemade artisan crafting business. i would like this as a keepsake in our family's arts and crafts library for these generations and the ones to come in the future. peace and blessings from melody
I have 2 boys, both school age, but plenty of friends with babies and toddlers.
It is so much fun sewing for my granddaughter; and now she loves helping me' as usual the only problem is time together to do it!
The book looks adorable. Can hardly wait to make something for my grandson, Sam, who will celebrate his first birthday soon.
Thanks for the chance to win! Looks like a great book.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a book about sewing for children. I love to make little girl dresses (hence avatar picture) and teaching sewing.
The book looks great! I love giveaways, even though I never win, haha. Thanks for hosting this one!
I know a girl that would love to have this book. We've already visited the fabric store twice this summer! She even inherited my old sewing machine. That will give me quite some activity time for summertime.
I love threads magazine. I have some Avatar toys for my grandchildren to play with. thank you
My mother often sewed dressed for my sister and me when we were young, and while pregnant I started sewing for our two babies. My first grandchild arrived a year ago and my focus right now are summer play outfits of seersucker for him to toddle around in daily. I am always on the lookout for new sewing ideas and techniques....and teaching him the basics of sewing. How many great designers learned to sew at their moms' and grandmas' knees???
What a cute book! I hope I can get my grandson sewing as soon as he's old enough. I'm sure he'd love to make his own finger puppets and much more. :)
What a perfect gift for any child. Kit it up with a few supplies to complete several projects and away you go!
I just had lunch with a dear friend and we discussed how to teach her granddaughter to sew. Who knew there was a book! Pick me and I'll give it to my dear friend, C.
I would like to win this for my grand daughters.I already gave them my old sewing machine
What a great book idea! What a relief to see that it isn't pushed at moms and daughters. Let's get those guys into the sewing room with the ladies.
I would just love to go through this book with my Grands! I plan on sharing my love of sewing with them this summer.
Hope the personal avatar loads... have tried six times! The little girl who I sewed the Barbie doll wedding dress for (in the avatar pic) is 10 and already loves to "design" clothes. I'm sure she would also love to try some of the ideas in this book.
Threads magazine is great! Love to sew dolls and doll clothes and other crafts. Do a lot of crocheting for Barbie dolls. Not a lucky person but who knows might win this time!
I am a middle school special needs teacher. I have taught kids (regular ed as well as special ed) to sew string/strip blocks. This book looks like it has fun projects for kids to do. Thanks for posting your giveaway.
It's so very important to teach children to sew while they are still young. Sewing gives a lifetime of enjoyment to the sewer and to the recipient. I love sewing and I'm excited about this new book!
My Avatar pic is of a blouse I made for my daughter who lives across the country. (I live in MA and she in CA)
This book would help me greatly as I volunteer to teach children to sew. I've been sewing for over 50 years.
I am soon to be a grandmother for the first time and I am excited to not only sew with my grandkids but teach them to sew.
I would like to teach my granddaughter to sew. This would be a big help to get started.
Thanks for the opportunity.
I love it, I love it,I love it!
Looks like a great book! Will be fun to make things for my granddaughters and as they grow older, use to teach them to sew!
This would be great, so I can teach my grandaughter how to sew. She lives with her dad, so she doesn't get much crafty fun, except from me.
Oh, yes! It looks like another one of those fabulous books full of ideas that will keep me up way to late - happily sewing away!
First, I love Threads magazine, and your web site which is loaded with helpful articles and sewing hints. I store all of you e-letters and magazines, even the old ones! Sewing is a timeless art form.
Please enter me in the book drawing. As a grandmother of 3, I'm sure I can use it!
Would luv to win! Thanks a bunch!
This looks like a great book! Would love to use it for my kids' first grade class, and some summertime projects!
I loved teaching my children how to sew and now my grandchildren. The book sounds like it would be a helpful resource.
I was attracted to this contest by the book's cover; I had a rag doll my great-grandmother made for me with a purple gingham dress. I called her Grape. When she was lost in a house fire, I always told myself I would make a new Grape doll one day. Maybe this book would tell me how!
This book looks amazing, I would enjoy to discover all those interesting projects. Thanks Threads Magazine!
Oh this would be so much fun. I've taught so many kids so many sewing techniques. This looks awesome. Thank you.
Just found out that I am going to have my first local grandchild. Looking forward to sewing with her/him.
Thanks for the drawing, I hope I win. I have a brand new granddaughter!!! I want to make her a lot of clothes, toys, quilts. And when she's older, I hope to teach her how to sew!
Thanks to threads, my sewing has improved.
Hi! I would love to win!!! One of my GD's [age 8 1/2] is already trying to teach her younger sisters to sew. When she was really little, she would sit on my lap while I used the sewing machine. Now aday's, they all use hand needles.
This looks awesome, since I will be an aunty any day now!!
Looks like I'll find some use for all my scrap fabrics, yarns and crafty stuff. I'd like to do projects with my niece this summer.
I only have the one granddaughter and she's four! I would love to try out several of the projects in the book on her! As to the avatar... well, I liked the picture but I had nothing to do with its creation!
I have loved sewing. In fact, we had four children in five years and I learned how to sew. I made most of my own clothes and a great many of the childrens. I would love to win the book that you are giving away.!!! I would love to know the right way to teach the grandchilren how to sew.
I have a theory that sewing skips a generation. My mom is an amazing sewer, I would love to be, and my daughter would be the test case. Thanks for the opportunity.
I've always loved dolls and will be making them soon for kids in the family shelter nearby. How do I post an avatar?
I love to sew for my granddaughter. I have made her things since she was born. I have been introducing her to different crafts that she is capable of doing like card making and painting. I can hardly wait to teach her how to sew!
I spend a lot of time sewing for my grandchildren and doing various crafts. Years ago I remember spending a day with my kids making pigs out of old leotards. Now my daughter spends time with her friend's daughter teaching her how to do it. I'd love to have this book so I can spend time with my granddaughters teaching them the fun and satisfaction of sewing, etc.
Looks like a fun book. I have my first grandchild on the way.
Looks like a fun book. I have my first grandchild on the way.
Looks like a fun book. I have my first grandchild on the way.
I'm about to be a grandma for the first time and I would love to win the book!
I have three granddaughters. I'm always looking for new projects for them. This looks inspiring. I hope we win!
Looks like a wonderful book! :)
Seems a great book. Definitely love to have one to learn making things for children. Wish me luck!!!
My five year old granddaughter shares my love of sewing and always asks if we can "sew". So new ideas to encourage her enthusiasm would be wonderful. I learned to sew with my grandmother when I was very young and hope to continue this tradition with all four of my little granddaughters. I am anxious to see the wonderful sewing projects in the book.
my daughter has turned 3 and is FASCINATED with mom sewing clothes and toys for her, so I could really use the book!
Changed my Avatar to a pix I took, in honor of the Pelicans from Southern LA, whose lives are forever altered-may their threads in the fabric that is LA. return and make it stronger!
I would love to win a copy of the book. My 7 year-old DD is interested in sewing (pictured in the flower girl dress I made for DS's wedding 2 years ago) She asked for a Janome for her birthday this year. My 10 year old son and 12 year old DD have done some sewing of quilt blocks with grandma, so perhaps a book of project for kids to learn with would fuel the flame of creativity.
Started teaching my granddaughter to sew last year (now 7) and have been stumped for ideas to help her learn. Looking forward to seeing this book.
I would love to win a copy of this book. I belong to a Senior Center and they are always looking for ideas on different things to make. I also have granddaughters who would love the dolls.
hope to win this .I'm going to be a aunt soon and would love to sew thing for my niece.
Would love to have this. I have 2 grand daughters. One is old enough to want to "try" everything she sees Mawmaw sewing.
I would love to have this. I have 2 grand daughters. One is old enough to try everything she sees Mawmaw sewing.
Oh, this book looks wonderful! My kids would love those dolls on the cover...
I planted the seed to begin sewing with my oldest granddaughter when she was 9 years old. I presented her with her first sewing machine when she was 13. I have purchased little sewing kits for her and sent her books on sewing. I am also working with my other grandchildren by showing them how to make puppets, use sewing cards and use their imagination. I have even tried to interest my daughter-in-law with sewing. She has completed a few simple curtains for her home and helped my oldest granddaughter complete curtains for her room as well. My mother did not know how to sew until I showed her when I was about 12. My mother made beautiful hand sewn quilts, but she could not put together a blouse. She did learn how to make simple sun dresses for her granddaughters. I have been sewing and crafting for over 50 years and I think this book would greatly aid me in teaching more young sewers, both boys and girls.
I have time to study the teaching techniques, as my granddaughter is only 3, but I just can't wait to teach her to sew and knit as well!!!!
Well, at least I have to try, would love to win this book!!!
I started sewing for kids when I was a kid, lol. I made Barbie clothes for my younger sister and tried making ones for our larger dolls.
Can't wait to pass on my love for all things sewing to my grandkids (waiting, waiting...). Until then, I sew for our 12 little nieces between the ages of 4-13. My avatar shows an Oh! so cute Japanese locking purse that is reversible. I made one for all the girls and for their moms, too. They're the perfect size for keys, wallet and phone.
I hope I win!!
I'd love to win this to initiate my 3yo to sewing!
This would be a great book to have. My 4 year old grandson loves to watch my daughter sew, and I'm sure he would love to learn to do it himself.
Love sewing and have enjoyed Threads magazine more than any other! My daughter is only 2, but she has already sat and played with fabric and trims while I try to sneak in a little sewing now and then! I've taught a couple of my friends' daughters to sew and I'm so hopeful that mine will enjoy the art, as well! The picture in my avatar is a dress I made for my aunt's old doll whose original dress was missing.
I would love to win that book for my grand daughter but I do not know how to put an avatar into this space. It looks like a great book one that can build memeories for a grandma and grandchild.
I sewed for all three of my children. Two of them being boys, I didn't teach them to sew. But my daughter learned by osmosis and 4-H leaders. She has surpassed any of my skills! I've made a few clothes for my great-granddaughter. Her mother also sews for her and this would be a good book for her.
I'm just beginning to make things for children. This book sure would help.
I've been trying to teach my daughter to sew, and she is very excited. but sometimes I don't have ideas what to sew. I am happy there is a book that specially made for teach children to sew... and with 35 projects... that's a lot.
Thank You
With grandchildren growing up, hopefully will have time to play with them and teach them this wonderful skill I learned from my mom and other teachers. This book would go a long way to accomplishing that objective and creating bonding time with children some of us rarely get to see.
I have an eleven-year-old granddaughter that lives with me and loves to play at my sewing machine. I am the world's worst teacher and would love to have the book to maybe help her learn to sew. I taught myself to sew using a book, when I was nine. I am now a costumer for Community Theatre and a quilter and she watches me sew all the time. I have Threads magazines practically from Day One and you cannot compare them to any other publication on the market. Top of the line.
Cute book! I think my young grandchildren would love it!
For those who were confused about an Avatar it is your small picture to the left that identifies you. I would love to win this book. I have several children I want to teach to sew so that when they are older they too can create and/or at least sew on a button or hem something.
This is a photo album that I covered with the material I had cut off a mother-of-bride gown that I had altered.
This book would be a wonderful addition to my collection. I can't wait to start sewing for my grandchildren, which will probably be awhile as both my children just recently got married. Right now I sew for my grand-dog.
I can't wait to sew with my daughter. She's 2 now and can't leave my sewing machine alone!
Would love to teach my grandaughters how to sew. I have always enjoyed Threads magazine. I have been sewing since I was 10 years old. Love it.
Sew many ideas, too little time!! but I'd love to share my love for "fabricology" to my grand daughters. Not sure where to start, so this book would be wonderful.
I would love to some of the projects with/for my daughter.
And for my sister who is pregnant with twins :)
This is my latest project for a child. It was made for my 5th great-grandchild, Violet Dawn. I had to make it violet colors of course and some of the fabrics show the flower she is named for. I put her newborn picture in the corner and her name and birthdate. Lots of fun! Buttonholic
I love Threads and these e-mails are a real bonus to receiving my subscription.
My son is currently serving with the Canadian Military in Afghanistan and I am trying to find ways to reduce my grand daughter's stress level. Sewing with her could be a wonderful way to do that. She loves me to sew for her, but has yet to use anything but my serger. The projects in this book just might tempt her. nlachaine
I've been sewing for years,My daughter is learning to quilt.
sewing is a great art. And teaching someone to sew opens up
a world of creativity.
This book looks like it has a lot projects that would be fun to make. When I was young my mother taught me to sew. I don't know how she found the time with raising six kids. Now it's my turn to pay it forward and teach the next generation the joy of sewing.
I used to make a lot of my childrens clothes and costumes. I also tought my 3 boys and daughter to sew. Now I have a grandson and am making him some things. He loves to go into my sewing room. So much for him to get into at 2. He likes to sit in my lap at the sewing machine. I can see he will be the next to learn!! I would love to have the book to help out.
I am currently teaching a young mother to sew, and she would greatly benefit from this book. Since they have little money to spend on gifts, she it trying very hard to make items for her child as well as neices and nephews.
I love your magazine and would love this book. I use to sew raggedy Ann and Andy dolls and many clothes for my daughter when she was little. This looks like a great book. I am trying to teach my two grandaughters to sew now and hope they will love it as I have.
I think Threads is a wonderful Mg.! well being and happiness inform my every decision, and here on Threads I share that which inspires me and enriches my daily life and hope that it will inspira my kids too!! I'm also working on my very own Ligerie Line! merci..
Gotta love the book. Thanks for giving us the oppotunity to get this giveaway book. Love Threads Magazine also...
My granddaughters have already started sitting on my lap to sew. This book would be great!
Would love to use this book to teach my daughter how to sew. She is slightly interested but had a not so pleasant experience at sewing camp. Have got to get her past that quickly before she looses interest.
Sewing for children is one of my favorites - that and teaching children to sew!
Hey! I could really use this book for Grammy Camp which is coming up at our house in July. I run the camp not for my 3 grandchildren but for my 2 nieces and my nephew who have never had grandparents but are the same ages as my grandchildren - of course my grandchildren come for the fun. The older kids all made quilts when they were 5 & 6 years old. This year it's 6 kids ages 6-10, one Grammy, one great college kid who is crazy enough to want the job, and 6 sewing machines! My husband gets to go to work! Two kitties will be under the bed for a week!
This looks like wonderful book, I would love to win it. My new avatar image is a tie-quilt with prairie-points edging for a new baby girl relative whose parents are UF gator fans, using the collegiate pink gator fabric.
Great idea for a book. I've been sewing like crazy for my 6 year old Granddaughter and she's said she wants to learn to sew - yeah! So far I've put thread in an embroidery hoop and had her sew a running stitch and sew on buttons. She loved it. We're ready to play with the book and post our results.
Yay, this looks so fun!! Excitement! :D
sounds great, just what I need to teach the grandkids to sew.
Looks like a good basis to teach the kids in my life to sew.
BTW, I love the idea of Grammie Camp!
This book would be perfect to have so I could teach my niece to sew!
My little would be thrilled to do some sewing with me. She is anxious and curious and as of now restricted to paper craft. I am still scared of letting her use needles. Child safe scissors look like more feasible option.
This book i guess will help me guide my little daughter step into the wonderful world of sewing.
Sewing is therapy. Kudos
Hello, I really enjoy THREADS Magazine and the e-letters. This book looks interesting. I love sewing and often put my 3 1/2 year old girl on my lap while sitting at my machine. I give her scraps to play with as well. This book would come at a good time/age. I really want to encourage her to sew and sure hope to instill in my daughter the life long love of sewing, just as I have learned from my mom.
Sewing has brought me so much joy throughout my lifetime. I would love to share my enthusiasm with my daughters.
All of us grandmothers would love to pass our love of sewing to our granddaughters. This looks like the perfect book to spike their interest. Thank You Emma Hardy!
I would love to win this book. I have 6 Grand daughter that could use this book. The oldest one is just turning 8 the right time to start teach them to make thing. I know that they want to sew. They have been sewing on paper. If I have something to help me I could really get them started. On their one.
Kaye Tomlin
This is great. My nine year old daughter wants to learn to sew. She takes dance and someday want to be able to make and alter her own costumes. Thank you so much for this chance to win her this book.
I really do like the e-letters I receive. This is a great idea and will really help me teach my daughter and son to sew, since I'm not that great of a teacher. I usually sew only for Halloween making costumes for my three kids, who aren't so little but still like to dress up.
Most projects recommend starting at 8 years old and I have a five year old granddaughter so this looks fabulous! Can't wait to get it!! I started sewing at about 8 on my mother's Singer treadle machine and have been going at it for 50 years.
I love Threads Magazine and this book Sewing for Children looks really wonderful. My own mom is a seamstress extraordinaire and I love to sew as well as am now teaching my triplet daughters how to sew, too. I think we'd all really love this book. Thanks for running this giveaway.
I love to sew for kids, I make dolls all the time and love to see thier faces when I give them to them, my husband gets mad because i am always giving away the dolls I make but it is such a joy. I am always looking foe new ideas and this book looks like the right tool for me.
My Grandmother introduced me to sewing when I was a little girl, and now I am teaching my 10 yr old and 8 yr old daughters how to sew. This book looks like a great guide for them as they learn. I sew doll clothes for their dolls, and they are starting to use scraps of fabric for simple tops and skirts,too. Thanks for giving away the books. Whoever receives them will love the projects.
I love Threads magazine. I always get inspiration and great ideas. Sewing is a passion and I strive to be the best. I loved sewing for my children and now I sew for grandchildren.
This book looks great. My kids would love it!
My Goddaughter and I just finished making a great purse. She learned several
sewing techniques while creating her crafty shoulder bag. The book seems to be a great resource for sewing with children!
My son told me he wanted to learn how to sew . What a surprise! And I thought it was great if he could do it. This book would be perfect for him to start. Thank you!!!
So glad I found your site -- looks like great informations -- can't wait to explore more... Ann
This summer I'll be teaching my 9 year old daughter to sew. She's really looking forward to learning to make clothing for her 18 inch dolls, and for herself.
I have three granddaughters. The oldest is 7. She loves to watch me sew and wants to learn to sew herself. What a great book to get some fun sewing ideas. Rebecca helps me pin patterns to fabric. by helping me she now understands about "straight of grain"!
This sounds like a great book for me to use with my 2 daughters!
It's great if we can sew for our children, grandchildren. I would love to have one. If I'm not lucky to have one I would buy one.