This morning the Taunton Press Senior Multi-Media Manager arrived at my desk to install The Threads Archive DVD for final testing. (Many of us on staff are involved in testing.) I’m mind boggled by the fact that 146 Threads issues, starting with issue #1, are ALL stored on one, single DVD. Today’s technology amazes me. This DVD is the best thing to happen at Threads in a long while. This is a product every sewer will want to own, especially those who think they could use some extra space in their sewing room (where the Threads hard-copy issues are currently stored!). The DVD has so many wonderful features; if I included every available option, the list would be too long, but here are a few of the great features that I’ve already discovered:
- It opens to show thumbnail photos of every single issue. (Thumbnails are pictures of each page reduced to about 1-1/2 inches high.) Depending upon the size of your monitor, you may have to cursor down to see them all, but they’re all in view. Then a quick click on the issue of your choice, and the issue pops up full-screen, starting with the cover. As you cursor through the pages, you find everything–including the articles, departments and even the advertising.
- You can view all of the thumbnails of all of the pages in an entire issue. The thumbnails are small, but if you know what you’re looking for, they’re big enough to recognize an article. Just click on the page you want, and it becomes full-screen. Then you can cursor up or down from there, seeing the issue’s full-screen pages going forward or backward from your original page.
- You can search by keyword, author, department, title or sub-title, or you can search the full text if there’s something specific you’re looking for. The thumbnails for each page containing your search criteria appear so that you can locate the article you want then click on it for a full-page image.
- As you run your cursor across each thumbnail any time they appear, you’ll learn the issue number and page number of that page. If you also want to know the article title and author to help narrow down your search, you just click the list icon at the top of the page, and a spreadsheet appears giving you that information (and more) for each thumbnail.
- You can even save your favorite articles in a Favorites folder that’s easy to find and even easier to use, and you can create file folders to organize your favorites.
- Any time you see thumbnails of magazine pages, you can either click to open the page of your choice, or you can click the CONTENTS tab at the upper-left side of the page which will bring up the Table of Contents for that issue. Then you can click on any of the articles or departments listed in the contents and go directly to that full article.
- You can view any article either as a single page per screen or two pages per screen (two-page spread).
From my perspective this DVD is simply fantastic. It’s amazing how much incredible information we’ve produced in the last 25 years, but that wealth of information does cause a small problem to occur. There’s just so much that’s educational and inspirational, that it’s hard to stop reading once you get started. It’s much like reading an awesome novel that you just can’t put down. When I research one small article, I end up reading a few extra articles while I’m at it. I’m learning so much, and just wish I had time to read even more.
The Threads Archive DVD will be ready just in time for your holiday shopping. In fact, you can even pre-order to be sure you don’t miss it. Now’s the time to drop a broad hint or two to your family about the gift that should be at the top of every sewers wish list! And if your family doesn’t do a good job of “reading” your broad hints, just pre-order it for yourself now, and use your holiday cash to help pay for it. I suspect it will be the best holiday gift you’ve ever received.
I'm looking for the past issue of Threads that featured an article about foundation piecing miniature quilt jewelry pins. It was possibly from 6-8 years ago.