This is my absolute dream cutting table. It has 15 drawers on each side which would hold just about every sewing notion I own in a totally organized fashion. It's available from It would be my ideal sewing room centerpiece.
An empty nester should have a dedicated sewing room, right?
Until my husband and I became empty nesters (we have 3 children), I could only dream of having a room devoted to my sewing hobby. I assumed that once their bedrooms were vacated, my dream room would become a reality. But I was wrong. Since none of our children live nearby, and they usually stay overnight for at least one night when they visit, out of necessity their rooms have become guest rooms. Between the kids, their spouses and their children, they require even more space when they visit than they did when they were kids!
It may not be perfect, but it makes me happy.
Although it’s not what I envisioned for myself, my sewing room/guest room, isn’t that bad either. The dressers are filled with sewing notions, fabrics and projects underway. My husband added shelves on both sides of the closet with a small space remaining in the middle for hanging clothes. The shelves allow much of my sewing gear to hide behind the closet doors. I place a resin table top on the bed for cutting, marking, etc. The bookcase that once held the great classics, text books and school notebooks now holds Threads, sewing and knitting books, and magazine sleeves filled with aritcles I’ve ripped out of magazines and other sources (not Threads!) regarding the projects I hope to make one day. My serger sits on what was once a desk for my daughter’s schoolwork, and my sewing machine rests on a cabinet that once housed my mother’s black Singer. The room is much smaller than I’d like; the cutting “table” is entirely too low; the storage isn’t as organized and convenient as it should ideally be, and the room is carpeted so dropped straight pins are a danger to bare feet. Despite all of the negatives, I’m thrilled to have it, and for my present purposes, it’s just perfect.
What changes would I make? Hmmm….
I often wonder what I would change if I could make the changes with a finger snap. First I’d move the room downstairs near the main living area so that I’d be closer to whatever else is going on in the house. I’d have a large cutting table with a full grid cutting surface instead of my small portable cutting surface. I’d include room for an ironing board so that I didn’t have to run to the basement to iron each seam. I’d buy lots of colorful, translucent plastic storage bins of various sizes and have a wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling storage unit custom built to fit one wall. I’d store fabric in larger bins and notions in smaller bins, their contents all clearly labeled. I’d also have a rolling cart with lots of drawers for the essential tools I use every time I sew (scissors, pins, etc.).
Does the perfect sewing space provide inspiration just by being perfect?
When I dream about this, I ask myself a question. Would I sew more if I had the perfect place? Would such a place inspire me more? I’m not totally sure it would. My inspiration doesn’t come from the room. My inspiration comes at unexpected times, and in most cases I’m not even near my sewing/guest room when I get the bug to sew. I’m beginning to think the place where we sew has more to do with comfort than inspiration.
What does your sewing space look like? How would you change it?
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I like the way you think. It's good to ask yourself what would be more "perfect" than what you've got, but also to be happy with what's there and make the best use of it you can. Also, you're lucky to have a reason to keep those guest rooms in shape for visits from the kids and grandkids!
It sounds like for you, a cutting table at a more comfortable height might be a top priority. Oh, and maybe a strong magnet to retrieve the dropped pins!
My favorite non-sewing piece of equipment is a red Snap-On Tools-type tool chest on wheels with lots of sturdy drawers outfitted with dividers and ice cube trays (for buttons).
Regarding carpet, when the carpet wore out, I had tile installed. Now I iron upstairs because I'm afraid the dog will tip the ironing board, I'll drop the iron -- I'll chip the tile. Although I can sweep up lost pins, I'm afraid of dropping things. Doesn't happen. Given the choice I'd probably do tile again. Just sayin'.
My sewing space is located where you would expect the dining room. My second favorite non-sewing piece of equipment is a three-panel screen that I place strategically to "hide" my projects. Right.
We are just moving into a new house (just the two of us) and my new sewing space is actually two rooms. I decided to have one for machine sewing and one for handwork. The machine room has plenty of storage (two closets and built in shelves) and floor space for my Koala cabinet, cutting table and large bookcases. My handwork room has sliding glass doors out to a deck overlooking the pool so I can work outside on nice days, or sit inside (in the comfy chair with a view) on days that outside isn't so much fun. In that room will go my lace pillows, spinning wheel, embroidery frames, baskets of skeins and so on. All is on hardwood floors with neutral walls that won't interfere with selecting colors for projects. I hate realizing that everything I've done lo these many months just happens to coordinate perfectly with the wall paint in my studio...
I love my studio. I have a north facing window and love looking out at my garden while creating. I have 2 high 8' x 4' tables with storage underneath. All my beads are stored in metal racks away from the light. See pictures on my facebook.
I had a luxurious 900 square foot sewing room that was just perfect. Then, we decided to move and downsize. My sewing room now is the whole upstairs - the bonus room over the garage is my sewing room, while one of the guest rooms has my quilt frame - along with the bunk beds and bookcases for the grandkids, the other guest room has my computer used for sewing along with the guest bed, rocking chair, and desk.
My husband built in shelves for all my fabric and put in counters for my machines and other items. I have pegboard over one section for easy access to tools and supplies that I can hang. He also made a 'wall of thread' with dowels in boards for me to hold all my threads - serger, quilting, embroidery. He also made a cutting table out of a large desk with the top a 4' x 8' piece of painted MDF on top. I can lay out about 2 yards of fabric, and easily cut out my work. He also made several ruler holders and a scissor holder which are on one end of the table so everything is in easy reach.
My ironing station is set up and in easy reach. I even have an overstuffed chaise in the dormer window alcove for curling up and reading my sewing or quilting magazines.
I don't think I would really change anything.
I have the entire basement for my sewing pleasure, as I am a quilter and need space for machine quilting, as well as hand quilting. My biggest need is better organization, more lighting, and way more time!! At least 2 of those can be obtained, and they are the biggest faults my space has. I would also love to have a sewing cabinet that would work with all my machines, and would be movable, as I like to change my areas often. I do love my space, as I get to be there all alone, whenever I need to be there. I would love to have a computer station down there, too. Right now I have to come upstairs to use the computer.
Oh - I forgot - when we were buying the house, we had the builder take out the carpet and instead put in vinyl flooring. We choose a wood look which goes well with the other wood floors in the house. The builder, and realtor, thought I was a bit crazy to take out brand new carpeting and put in nice vinyl flooring. But the vinyl cleans easily, my rolling chair works great, and nothing gets caught in the carpeting!
My sewing area is a small part of our living room, as we live in an apartment, and I need the spare bedroom for my work-at-home office. I use a desk to hold my sewing machine and serger, and if I want to cut out patterns I set up a camping table. I'd love to have a dedicated area with tile floors that had better lighting, but for right now I use what I've got.
For years my sewing room was part of a warm basement, but when we moved, I got to move up! The house we bought had a nice utility room and a big lavatory, with a small adjoining room holding the electrical panel and the water heater, all right next to the kitchen. The house had four other bathrooms, including two others on the first floor: why did I need that lavatory? So, out it came--much more easily than I thought. With the help of lots of ClosetMaid coated-wire shelving, and two Koala sewing tables, I have my dream sewing space in a space that's about 12' x 12'. The small room (5' x 12') with the utilities has enough space for floor-to-ceiling shelves on three walls that corral most of my fabric. The larger room has the same shelves on two walls, and.a Koala work table's commodious drawers manage the rest of the fabric--the UFOs, quilting scraps, etc. Magazine files containing the patterns saved from 55+ years of sewing fill about 15 feet of shelf space, and most of the notions that I use only occasionally are stored in plastic boxes on the shelves. I wouldn't change anything--just need more time for sewing!
I am fortunate to have a dedicated sewing room with great lighting and storage for my stash and all those sewing essentials that I can't do without. I have a fabric pantry with roll out shelves, a horn cutting table, sewing center as well as the thread storage center from Horn. One of my favorite things is a built in window seat with drawers underneath to store an abundance of patterns. When the room was being designed I am thankful that additional attention was paid to the lighting. I am thinking of repositioning my sewing area to face the window but otherwise, I am pretty happy with my space!!
My cabin is approx 960 sq. barn/sewing room is 1024 sq. ft....I have one room 12 x 32 that is the perfect shape for my longarm and the other room is 20 x 32 with a 12? ft square in the center. Sewing machines, serger, loom, knitting machines, ironing board and work table all line the square with my work chair rolling from machine to machine when appropriate. The work table has other chairs to accomodate my friends when they come to sew with me (every Thursday). My cutting table is behind the square, a step away but not IN the way. The long wall, 32 x 10 ft high is lined floor to ceiling with shelves for fabric, yarn, and bankers' boxes filled with supplies and notions....I love the space, and the storage and I also love that my tiny cabin is not required to have any sewing 'mess' in it. I can have a project in a bag or in my lap and everything just gets carried back to my studio in the morning. I am very appreciative of the space I have and am trying to tidy and re-arrange all the time as I get new ideas of how to use it. Currently, styrofoam boards are going up on walls to provide design wall convenience.
My sewing space is always a mess, but under the mess are some very smart furnishings. Years ago I took an old dresser, added height w/ wood and wheels to be perfect while standing to work, put a nice ash plywood 30 inch x 72 inch top which projects off the back side. I slide a rolling work chair under that wide side and use the drawers for storage on the front. I sit to work or do art on one side and stand to cut and iron on the other. I rounded the corners, veneered the cut edge all around, stained, varnished. This has lasted and worked well for 25 years. I lay my cutting mats on it. 30 inch folds of fabric will not fall off the edges. Then the most wonderful thing I ever did for myself is the 7 foot long 36" door that I padded w/ old mattress pads, several layers of wool and topped w/ heavy muslin - all of it stretched taut around the edges. This ironing table is removable to stand up against the wall for quilt design, perfect for ironing most things including tablecloths, ideal for fusing, necessary when doing large window treatments. When I do wedding gowns, there is room to throw all of that up on it. I pin my iron cord to the edge and praise myself everytime for thinking of it in the first place.
To make my sewing room better, I'd kick out my husband's PC & gaming gear and the furniture he uses for that. Then I'd spread out my stuff across the room, which is a converted attached garage. Sure, I could use a drop-in hydraulic lift sewing table, but right now I'd be thrilled with room to spin around in my chair! Although I may miss having everything within elbow's reach....hmmm....
I have an L-shaped computer desk with a locking "armoire" attached to one end and a "slate" surface on the other end that I have covered with an Olfa cutting mat. I have a computer on the desk to run my embroidery software, and the shelves are full of notions. Baskets on top of the desk bookcase hold bindings, trim, and pieces of material slated for machine applique. Next to the "armoire" is a tower of plastic file boxes that hold patterns, interfacing, and scrapbooking supplies. Next to that, 2 cardboard barrels with metal tops that my grandmother stored her fabric stash in since the 1940's, hold fleece material and other fabric with less-anticipated uses. Beyond the barrels is a bookcase full of sewing and craft manuals, supplies, and memorabilia. It's next to a refinished side table that holds knit and crochet supplies, next to a futon for relaxing. The main sewing/embroidery machine rests on a formica desk, which has a matching chest, full of fabrics. The secondary sewing machine and serger sit on my grandmother's teak sewing desk. In the desk drawers are some of the supplies she held on to until she passed on. On the wall behind the sewing desks are a cork board and a wall-mounted cabinet that holds part of my thread stash. Finally, a filing cabinet holds info, and on it sits a back-up sewing machine, next to a rocking chair and a dress form cranked into the measurements of ---me. Many of these items were given to me or I bought at yard sales. To change? I wish I had more room to store fabric--currently parts of my stash that includes blue, purple, and green are in plastic bags in the closet!
The sewing space that pleased me most was also the most simple, many decades ago, in a century-old house, making something out of nothing. For a sewing machine table, we fitted a piece of plywood into one of those awkward ancient closets that have hard-to-reach space on either side of the door. That dead space held shelves for storing sundries, patterns in transparent bins.
The best part of this arrangement?
I could lean the ironing board against the table and just shut the door - instantly tidy.
Today, since I sew only sporadically, I would feel strange setting aside an entire room just for sewing. I set up shop in the least-used guest room. The temporary arrangement keeps me from getting too absorbed and too messy. My biggest wish would be for a HUGE table for cutting out which could be magically stored without getting in the way. As for the rest, I think improvisation keeps the mind flexible.
I had to set aside my sewing and knitting gear for a long spate of other family needs and am now just getting "myself" back. Used to have a whole studio now I have a Horn cabinet and a lovely armoire---it is lovely but not as spacious as I'd like, on one end of the living room. The second room of my apartment is still the "staging" area for getting rid of 35 yrs. of stuff that fit into four bedrooms ect. It will eventually be a neat office with bed for visiting dignitaries AKA grand kids and co.The good thing about the living room is being close to the TV VCR so I can watch tutorials easily. I fold out the cutting table as needed. The whole affair is like a rubrics cube but I am grateful to have it at all and as it is so public it forces me to be neat!!! I have quite a colection of doll clothes patterns that I keep in pplastic project boxes stacked in the armoire, next to the pull out drawers that house the fabric pieces so I always have something to offer my "guests" to do with me.
I am a very lucky lady. I have had a craft room since moving into my queen anne victorian house 12 years ago. I love it! I bought a sweater table on casters for $25 from a store going out of business. It is tall and has 12" shelves underneath for baskets full of in-process projects. I can fit my large cutting matt along with various machines all on top. I have a computer table with my embroidery machine on top and my laptop on the slide out keyboard below. This is handy for my embroidery software hookup to my machine. I have 3 large CD holding bookshelves for my craft materials that are smaller and I have stacking sterlite 12 x 12 pullouts full of notions. For instance, one is full of needles. Another has elastics, etc. And I have stacking cubes that I put my ironing board on top and fill with ArtBin slide out carriers full of thread, ribbon, notions, and stamps. I love my life!
I am lucky to have the old family room downstairs next to the laundry room. It is huge, tiled floor and ugly paneling. It has very few large walls as it has shelves everywhere including a very old German shrunk on the largest wall. I sew, iron, do alterations, decorative painting and scrapbooking in this room. I have a TV atop a high dresser so I watch TV from any angle in the room. Also have computer desk in this room. My plan is to one day soon, paint the shrunk, (it is black and blonde now) and all the unmatched furniture so it actually looks like it belongs together. My sewing machine sits on an old wooden Army desk and the drawers are crammed with notions. I have an old kitchen table for laying out fabric and cutting fabric. I have another old wooden table as a computer table/desk. I have another table-huge but low that I do my scrapbooking on. Plus all the fabric cabinet and other misc. furniture used for storage. I just want it to all look good together.
I had my basement finished largely so that I could move the guest room there and have a dedicated sewing room. I love it! Yes, it would be wonderful to have more space so that I could add another sewing machine to my existing embroidery machine and my serger. Meanwhile, I use sweater hanging 'racks' for part of my stash, a shoe holder for notions plus baskets and more baskets for projects in process.
My sewing space started as part of the small guest room at the front of our house. Now we have grandkids so I have moved it to the basement bedroom, where I now share space with my clowning activity. I have a long IKEA table for cutting out but ends up too cluttered with stuff so I cut out on my kitchen table with a 35+ year old cardboard grid. I sew on top of an old teacher's desk which I love all the drawers for storage, but being short at 5'2.5" tall I have to set up my office chair very high to see properly with my bifocals. I have to reach to get my foot on the foot pedal. I share the desktop with my serger and sewing machine. I just push one back and the other forward to sew between them.
I would love a dress judy so I don't have to go over to my daughter's to have my skirts and dresses hemmed properly. I used to have one made of cardboard that disintigrated with use.
My material is stored in an old dresser but I do have a cupboard for some notions and other craft materials.
Maybe I need a new house and not just a properly fitted out sewing room!
When the children stopped playing pool, I began coveting that space for a drapery table. After saying it couldn't be done, my husband successfully built me a drapery table over the pool table. You couldn't ask for a sturdier base! The supports don't harm the pool table and raise my working surface to the perfect height. He even added storage shelves underneath each short end and parallel rulers on the long sides of the table. I can pin, press, and cut to my heart's delight.
I have just finished reading everyones comments and realize how lucky I am. Since getting arthritis in my knees travelling up and down the stairs is difficult for me; so we commandeered the dining area and made it into my sewing craft area.
As I now teach children the art of sewing it was necessary to figure out a way to accommodate a class in a small area as well as hide the horde.
IKEA came to the rescue with 2 folding tables that take up very little area when down but enable 4 students to sew with comfort when up. Each table has a set of 3 drawers either side for notions,instructions for the machine and a bottom drawer to hold cut off threads and any other garbage associated from sewing.It's a great idea I picked up somewhere and keeps the threads off the floor. The tables are long enough to cut out most things. The only disadvantage about them is height. They are slightly too high for sewing long periods of time and about 6 inches too low for cutting comfort. As I was fortunate to originally have had a small sewing room upstairs. (I too am an empty nester) all the cupboards I had lining the room are now lining the dining area and hold my stash,beading materials and notions in plastic tubs. I also have a glass fronted book case to hold my cookinging, craft and quilting books as well as stacks of magazines, Threads,and SewStylish among them.The floor is laminated wood and I use a Magnet sweeper used to pick up nuts and bolts dropped in a shop to pick up the lost pins. The kids love to "sweep" the floors with it.
With the living room in the same area as my craft area I can watch TV as I sew and the Kitchen and computer are steps away. So it is a good arrangement. But between you and me I would love to get the living room upstairs and have the whole area for sewing!!!
It’s back to kindergarten for me. Shelves, pegboard, boxes and labels everywhere, I love it. I keep most of my tools hanging on a pegboard behind the sewing table. I can reach it scissors, ruler, magnify glass in a snap. A small drawer on the left holds needles and markers, and bee’s wax, while the one on the right has screwdriver tweezers and seam ripper. My hands just know where to go when I need something. Like a five year old I still make a massive mess with piles everywhere. The great thing is it’s quick and easy to put things back in order.
If I could change anything it would be the furniture my cutting table is very shaky.
I have to admit I am VERY fortunate to not only have a dedicated sewing room (11 x 13) bedroom PLUS the adjoining twin bedroom for MY dedicated home office (hubby has his own office in another bedroom). We are empty nesters with a 5 bedroom home and no grandkids. So we are currently luxuriating in space.
I have multiple machines, a gravity feed iron in my sewing room and a steam generator iron that lives in the laundry room downstairs). Machines line the walls of the room. Fabric stash is in the closet -- we built a shelving system in both the twin bedrooms for my stash -- garment fabric in one room, quilting fabric in the other. Large cutting table in the center of the room with3 different work surfaces: 2 different types of cutting mats (one for most fabrics and a different type for lycra -- until recently I did competitive ice skating costumes) and a cork surface for pattern work.
Under the cutting table and next to each machine are plastic drawer units that house various notions. Each machine has its own set of scissors, hanging on a wooden rod with cup hooks. My rotary cutters are hung right below my cutting table surface. I tend to buy certain things in bulk -- like elastic, interfacing, zippers and certain types of ribbon, so those things have dedicated storage in a niche under one of the windows. Each room has lots of natural light. There is also a flat panel tv mounted on the wall of the sewing room (liberated from my husbands office when he upgraded!) and my computer and monitor are in my office. There is a second big work table as well as my pattern and sample files in the office bedroom.
My painting supplies also live in the office space, but I have room in the sewing studio to drag stuff in there when I have a bigger painting project going on.
Probably the only drawback to my set up is that it is at the far end of the house. It is quite private and I get a lot done there, but it does get lonely on occasion. I could also use nicer lighting -- I have 3 double tube fluorescent shop light fixtures in the main sewing studio. I would prefer something a little nicer but it's okay.
Creating my perfect little sewing room has been a joy. My husband made my cutting table with lots of storage. A bookshelf with a fold-out table holds 4 of my sewing machines. The big closet holds fabric on floor to ceiling shelves. At a Antique auction I bought a charming little heart pine fabric cabinet made long ago. It has slide-out shelving that's very handy for keeping current projects laid out.
Around the room are copies of paintings featuring women sewing in groups and alone that I've collected over the years.
On the floor I have a 5 by 7 needlepoint rug with a basket of flowers featured in the middle.
It's a very ecletic comfortable room and makes a lovely place to spend time both alone and with friends.
my husband and I converted one of our garages into a sewing room, I moved all of my sewing out of our dining room and set it up in one space. I am in heaven. I am using a 6' folding table for cutting and sewing and 9-cube bookcases for books/fabric and supplies.
What perfect timing for a discussion about sewing areas! After 30 years, I am finally creating a sewing studio in the basement to replace the woodshop my husband graciously moved to the garage. When the dust settles and I've moved all my sewing stuff (which is now scattered all over the main floor of our home) I plan to use ideas gotten from your wonderful comments. Laminate flooring is a must, along with a generous cutting table and LOTS of storage for my huge stash. Finally, my A-1 longarm and my shortarm will share a common area, as I'm currently dragging all the thread and accessories from one area to another. Wish me luck.....and thanks for so many wonderful ideas!!
My sewing room is in my attic which is the full length of the house. I have a large cutting table made from a collapsible bazaar table with blocks under the legs to raise it to a comfortable level. My sewing machine table is made from two doors that are placed in a 90 degree formation where I sew and serge on one side and quilt on the other. I use the handle holes for the cords. I have plugs all along the ceiling and my 'closet' is a set of dowels hanging from the ceiling as well. Along the outside of the walls I have open shelves where my bolts of fabric, pattern boxes and miscellaneous stuff goes. This is what I would like to see changed. I would have preferred actual shelves with doors and drawers to hide the inevitable mess that occurs. I also have storage behind the walls that extends into the eves but the doors are cumbersome and the bending is a back breaker so I only use the space for seasonal items or the the 'someday' stuff. If I could have doors that easily swing open, I might be more inclines to use the space and that would make more room under my cutting table.
All in all, its not a bad setup. Now if I could just be consistently motivated I would get more sewing down and maybe make those changes.
I dedicated a 16'X 16' spare room to my sewing studio. (Sounds professional,right?) I organized it based on a U-shaped work area along 3 walls. Starting counter-clockwise, I have my ironing board and a 6' tall wire shelving unit along wall #1. The unit holds plastic storage bins, books, and bottles of sizing, starch, adhesive, etc. on the edge by the ironing board for easy access.Along wall #2 is the cabinet holding my vintage Singer sewing machine, then cardboard file boxes stacked 4 high and 2 wide marked with type of fabric inside (large cut cottons, fat quarters, garment or decorator), and finally a 6' heavy folding table where I have my computerized Bernina sewing/embroidery machine. Wall #3 has a tall storage box where I stack bolts and rolls vertically, then another 6' table where I have my serger and thread cones. Finally, extending from the 4th. wall into the center of the U, I have a narrow extending table with the largest grid cutting mat I could find c-clamped to the top. I also added track lighting with spot lights around the U. It's wonderful!!
At my house, our basement is unfinished.
My sewing area is in what will be my son's room when it is finished.
Then I will be able to move upstairs into the room which is currently my son's.
I can't wait until that wonderful day comes.
I'll admit up front that I am very spoiled. The entire basement of our home is my work space. Probably about 800 square feet. One corner of the space has the laundry/furnace room - which has a vinyl floor and spare washing machine just for felting. In the opposite corner is a small bedroom that we use as a guest room that does double duty as a spot for dressmaking clients to change. The rest of the space is all mine - save the litter box (self cleaning, of course! and hidden behind a screen)
The first purchase we made for the space was two large L-shaped workstations from an office supply store, a matching hutch and bookcase. Made by Bush they are very solid and take the weight of paper and fabric and vibration of machines easily. The desks make a large T with an extra thick trunk that accommodates my cutting mat. Most of my cutting, pinning and marking I can do sitting down, which saves my lower back.
The remainder of the furniture is cobbled together bits and pieces that I've collected over time that perhaps are not to my husband's taste. A couple of old desks - one for beading supplies another as a TV stand. The cedar blanket box my godfather built for my 16th birthday and the pine dresser from the nursery when I was a baby both to store fabric. The futon from my single days - great for cats and the occasional visitor. The floor is laminate over concrete and very cold under foot so I've put down floral wool area rugs.
I have made two great finds since setting the space up that others might like to consider. Natural light lightbulbs are amazing! Since my work space is the basement and I tend to sew late into the night, natural light is not available. These are the next best thing and well worth the extra money! And lastly, I came across a clear, plastic notice board system in the office supply department. It is made by 3M, attaches to the wall in panels and is so easy to use. I use it for project lists and a weekly appointment schedule. Because it is so thin and the wall colour shows through, it give me a huge writing space without being visually heavy.
The only improvement I'd make would be finishing the laundry/furnace room into a combined bathroom/utility room so I could contain all the wet stuff (dying, felting and screen printing) in an easy to clean-up space.
I've been using a 'spare' bedroom but it's the smallest room & getting crowded. My 89 y/0 mom is moving in w/me so this was the best time to switch into my daughters former room. My sewing cabinet is white, which I love, so I'm purchasing new white bookcases for patterns & binders and my 26"TV will top one of them. I have wall-2-wall closet with shelves for my large fabric collection & Sterlite modular medium drawers on the top shelf for fat quarters, larger scraps, etc.. Waiting for the painter to paint both rooms, my new 'sewing center' and my mom's new room a beautiful blue with pure white trim. My sewing room will get new white batenburg lace curtains to retain light but add privacy. I have a white gooseneck lamp for my sewing table (Ikea) and an ancient wood accordian style sewing storage table from my grandmother that I treasure. Looking forward to all the creativity this new room brings, and it's close to my mom's new room so convenient for helping her. She's welcome to join me in her wheel chair whenever she wants! Wall art proliferates w/all types of Quilt/Sew/Create signs. I know I'm going to love a spacier, less cluttered feel! clutter bogs me down so I don't get those creative vibes!
I started with a small kitchen counter top set on 2x4's on an old trunk (no knee room!). Cut a hole for my machine for a flat bed.
At one time I had multiple VCR's set to different stations to record all the sewing TV shows available in our sewing-blessed area.
Later I moved to the entire rec room/bar in the basement. Four large teak desks run the length of the room with an aisle in the middle. If I move some machines, I have a good 12' of desk space for cutting out garment fabric.
Fabric is stored along half of one long wall in IRIS (office store) drawer units. Those units can be taken apart and stacked as single units stacked to the ceiling. The other side of the long wall is more drawer units for thread, tools, and supplies. Each sewing station has an acrylic flat-bed (Sew Steady) surface and one of those small-drawer storage units that sit on the tables. These drawers hold needle packs perfectly, all the small tools, and all my buttons. Books are stored in teak bookcases, and the old built-in bar was removed after a flood to give me a large closet for bolts and batting. The only thing I'd change is hubby. He keeps commenting on all the "stuff" in my sewing room and complaining about "output not input." I can understand, that being older he's in the downsizing phase of life while I'm still finding nifty new tools and fabrics to add to my stash. Just looking at all that is in my room makes me happy and inspired.