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What will you be sewing this summer?

Try this quick wardrobe collection from Threads Issue 155.

Summer is just around the corner, and with the warm weather also comes dresses, skirts, shorts, and other seasonal garments. Quick, simple patterns and lightweight fabrics make summer sewing a breeze.

What are you looking forward to sewing this summer?

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  1. lou19 | | #1

    I'm collecting prints to make the patchwork skirt and belt from vogue pattern 1244 by koos van den Akker.
    But first I have just bought a vintage pattern for a long "wrap" or "gown" which I will sew in either black or bugandy as a long wrap dress.
    Also have some gorgeous blouse patterns waiting to be sewn. Plus an interesteg new Mccalls accessories pattern 6253 which has an interesting scarf/necklace.
    happy sewing everyone!

  2. Piecemaker | | #2

    What am I not sewing this summer? Kitchen curtains with matching table runner and potholders. 4 additional table runners. A sundress. A slipover sheath. A lace jacket to go with the sheath. A wedding quilt. A quilt in my living room colors to hang on the vaulted ceiling wall. Much more than I can ever finish, but I broke my wrist and I'm behind. I couldn't sew for two months. It was sheer torture.

  3. robinegg | | #3

    Capri pants and camp style shirts for my and my 2 girls.

  4. Momstheword | | #4

    Some sun dresses to wear at the cottage. Easy care blouses and capris for work...

  5. User avater
    sueann301 | | #5

    I will be mostly sewing pants and t-shirts with a couple dresses or skirts thrown in.

  6. artcat | | #6

    This summer I need to sew a nice lightweight jacket to wear to church or other dressier occaisions. I also want to finish up some quilting projects I am working on.

  7. bkryatty | | #7

    Barbie clothes. No doubt about it. I recently donated a Barbie with couture clothes to an auction and got re-hooked on making her clothes. It's amazing how much smarter she looks in a decent outfit.

    I got my first Barbie when I was 11 for Christmas in 1964. My mom made some outfits for her but she also had to make outfits for my sister Mary's doll (Midge) and my sister Nancy's doll (Tammy). So we got outfits but there were no closures. We used straight pins. I understood the time crunch but I WANTED SNAPS!!

    So when I was 12 I started making my own Barbie clothes. I had a couple of Simplicity patterns. I used birthday money to buy the all important snaps. We didn't have a lot of fabric scraps floating around but you could go to the Goodwill and buy a bucket of quilt scraps for 89 cents. I'll never forget picking out my favorite bits of fabric - some with designs that I could work into dresses; some fancy satins for evening gowns; some bits of flannel for jammies. I filled it up to the brim and took it up to the counter with my 89 cents.

    "What are you making honey?" asked the clerk. When I said clothes for my Barbie, she gave me a great big smile, made a fist and jammed it hard as she could into the plastic bucket. "Well," she said, "that's half a bucket. 45 cents."

    I had no idea of grain line. I just laid the pieces out however I could make them work, cut them and sewed them by hand. By the time I graduated to a sewing machine two years later and started sewing for myself, my 5 year old sister inherited my Barbie and four grocery bags full of clothes.

    They all had snaps.

  8. User avater
    sewsthisandthat | | #8

    I have so many projects penciled in on paper and with 3 grandchildren having arrived within 14 months, it's hard to stay focused. But, I am having so much fun! Oh yeah, I need to sew for me too.

  9. sandysewin | | #9

    Oh my, what am I NOT making this summer? In fact, I was feeling overwhelmed, so I just sat down to make a list of projects.

    a wedding quilt that needs to be presented by their 1st anniversary, which is in August

    sarong shorts (fabric.com just gave out the pattern for free)
    two summery tops with sheer overlays

    a black denim jeans style jacket

    Roman shades for my living room

    two trench coats, one blue, one red, still trying to decide which fabric will be the 'muslin'

    a cut-work t-shirt

    a tailored jacket

    a Chanel-style jacket

    Ummm, I'm still feeling overwhelmed, lol.

    Oh, and I need a case for my sunglasses. Maybe I'll start there. ***grin***

  10. sewcietymaven | | #10

    I've been sewing lots of maternity clothes! My first grandbaby is due in mid-July, and I want to keep Mama feeling cute and happy!

  11. Textile_lover | | #11

    I am not really a person who knows how or even likes to sew, but I am so inspired by this website, that I've found something simple, a retro wrap, I can't wait to sew. I love material, so this will be a really fun project. Of course with summer coming, I won't be able to enjoy it until fall. Thanks Threads Magazine for all the inspiration and joy you give, even if I just dream of creating.

  12. eagle_laker | | #12

    Quilts, quilts, & more quilts!

  13. dreamie | | #13

    Wish I could top any of the previous ones; they're all busy and fabulous. I'm just going to sew anything that appeals to me. I find I like to sew when nothing else grabs my attention. It's relaxing and takes my mind off anything else.

  14. samsstuff | | #14

    I'm going to start off by making a handbag from a vintage tablecloth. After that, a summer top & possibly a retro 50's style dress...

  15. BarbM32 | | #15

    Maternity clothes for my GD, baby clothes for the coming GGS and a relaxing quilt with over 5000 pieces. The pieces are small and the quilt is large. Also I will enjoy making totebags to match some of the maternity

  16. SeaSprite | | #16

    Since the southern hemisphere is heading into winter...
    McCalls M5987 loose scarf coat: adjusted for full bust, lengthened and fully lined. It has to be ready to wear to NZ in a week's time. Shall post pictures later.

    Cut out and waiting to sew are: New Look 6601 dress and Simplicity 3880 pants in striped linen.
    Waiting for cut out is Vogue V1132 in trial fabric after full bust adjustment, and A-D cup Simplicity dress and blouse patterns.
    Awating full bust adjustment: M5006, V8353, and a dozen other beautiful patterns. Let's just say a whole new wardrobe!

    Also waiting for attention is a double bed sheet needing an extra 40cm width to be sewn into the centre so it will fit the bed and curtains that are held off the floor by pins that need hemming...

  17. meglarz | | #17

    I'm in the midst of sewing various gear for my son's upcoming trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico for a 12 day backpacking trek in the backcountry & mountains. Lots of stuff sacks, including a waterproof liner bag for his internal frame backpack; rainsuit in WPB Ripstop & probably a compression bag or two.

    Then, for his sister, I'll be making another blouse or two for her to wear in the summer series of horse shows; along with the saddle cover/bag, tall boot carry bag and show Hunt coat I've been promising her. Thank goodness for Suitability Patterns!

    I've been promising myself a new knitting tote - the Professional Tote and probably another of the Vogue pattern version of the Groom Origami bag (made one in tan Taslan in April & am very happy with it)

  18. pioneertrek | | #18

    I have a home business making pioneer-like clothing for people doing 3-day reenactments to get a feel for their 19th century ancestors. Although not authentic it feels the need. I also have several authentic wardrobes on the list as well.

  19. Hilily | | #19

    It is winter here in Adelaide, Australia so I am making a set of new wool crepe skirts from McCalls pattern 5523.
    It is a fitted skirt with a choice of back panel insets, pleats, flares, gathers, to give movement to the garment.

    I used it for summer garments in January. I made skirts with lined pleats that flash their different patterns as I walk.

    The fit of this pattern is wonderful, so for winter I am making it in black, navy, black and white herringbone, and pale grey wool.
    Add my new leather jacket and I have a multitude of outfits for even the coldest days.

  20. Moonbeams | | #20

    I need a soft color and fabric flowing skirt for a beachy wedding. After looking at what is in the stores, I decided that sewing is the answer. I'm also sewing summer dresses for my dolls so they can be sold on my website. I'm working on a steampunk outfit, a wizard's duster for my boy dolls and then I have 8 doll-sized (different dolls) wedding dresses to make. As the summer ends, I'll begin my Halloween wardrobes for the dolls.

  21. linda6885 | | #21

    My main sewing project this summer was to recover all of the boat cushions, in our Com-pac 19, sailboat. This amounts to about 4 bunk-beds, with a couple of pillows. Hardest part was to cut the fabric, which I did on the floor in our livingroom. Next was making the yards and yards of piping needed. But it all worked in the end, and was very happy with how it turned out. Plus my husband rushed me so, to get it done in time for our sailing season!
    It would be nice if we all could post a picture of our hard work.

  22. mar32428 | | #22

    I have fabric ready for three quilts, one full size and two wall hangings.

    I also have all my fabric ready to start a new travel wardrobe for a nine day trip to Boston in the fall.

  23. User avater
    sewold | | #23

    I have a pair of pants cut out from light blue linen type fabric. It may be done before summer is over. I'm afraid they won't be as cool as I hoped because they will probably have to be worn with a liner. I've made a separate liner so I don't have to line all the pants. It works well with a pair of light natural linen pants made earlier. Right now I'm working on a pair of a gabardine type fabric pants that should have been done for late winter/early spring. Had to figure out how to make a slanted pocket that wasn't part of the pattern. That part is done. The rest won't take long. They'll be done for fall anyhow!

  24. sewartist | | #24

    Summer sewing, yes. Along with sewing for my clients, and a dress or two for my self, I'm beginning on a summer dress that has been on my mind from 2011 resort wear of Channel.
    I'm not copying it - I'm doing my version of it. The Channel
    line has always been the most favored of mine.
    I'm also working of sewing projects dealimg with the flower
    napkins of the 30's and 60's. They came out of fashion in the
    late 60's. I'm trying to do come up with different designs and uses for them than what I have seen so far, I'm really enjoying this so far - I love a challenge, All my projects are in secret till I have finish with them.
    Wow I don't know what I'm going to do this summer,

  25. arjee63 | | #25

    I just finished college, and the sewing projects are stacked up and awaiting my decision on where to start!

    First - a valance for one daughter's nursery - I'll have to hurry! She's due next week.

    Next - a series of strapless tops and dresses for my youngest daughter, who will be spending summer in a sling after shoulder surgery.

    Third - monogrammed cookbook covers for my girls, to cover binders that will be filled with recipes from their mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, and plenty of room to add their own.

    After that - it's a tossup - new summer tops and dresses for a smaller me, new cushions for the dining room chairs, or some new jeans. I have a whole stack of new Vogue patterns for my summer wardrobe. I'm sure one of those amazing bias tops from a past Threads issue will make it in there.

  26. User avater
    Jen_NYC | | #26

    Probably not so exciting - but I will be doing a number of "practical" projects. I'm starting with a series of shorts. My old ones are on the verge of disintegrating, and I can't buy new ones. Thus, it is time to figure out how to fit an inseam! I have never made muslins before, but so far I have made one for the shorts - it did not turn out so good, and so I'm starting over. I hope that this will not take me the entire summer.

  27. User avater
    hollynoel | | #27

    I've already made several t-shirts from my favorite pattern, Kwik Sew 3338. Two were made from matte jersey for a dressy look and the other two were made from cotton knit for casual wear. I am also making another tunic top from New Look 6677 for a breezy summer look.

  28. User avater
    ustabahippie | | #28

    Here in the San Francisco Bay Area it seems to be endless winter. Still too cold to think of summer clothes. I'm making jeans with male pattern boldness, and straggling along on some summer tops, but can't get motivated when I'm still wearing socks and sweaters!

  29. emmyt | | #29

    I am working on a quilt for the Quilt of Valor project. For those of you who do not know about it, you make a quilt for a wounded soldier and they present the quilt to the soldier or you can present the quilt yourself and report to them who received the quilt. Since I do not do volunteer work, I thought this would be ideal for me. I have completed the quilt top, now just have to quilt and bind it. I have had an enjoyable time doing the quilt, and documenting it as I go. They want you to include a journal along with the quilt, since the recipient does not know what is involved in making a quilt. I have taken pictures and commented during the progress of the quilt. For more information the web site is http://www.QOVF.org

  30. beadembroiderer | | #30

    I have lost 75 lbs and have more to go, but had to give away a lot of stuff I bought in the past but thought I would wear if I could lose the weight. Sound familiar??? So...I need to make some skirts and light jackets and some blouses for summer wear. I want to make the skirts so they can be altered down and down in size, so pockets will be an issue and I think they will either have an elastic casing, or an elasticized waistband attached to the gathered skirt. I want to preserve the skirts as long as I can since I will be using expensive batiks, etc. as material. I have done a lot to collect material and notions, especially patterns, and it is way time to get to work!

  31. kimsidlehands | | #31

    I will be sewing for my grandbaby. Next to Jesus, she owns my heart. I have picked up an 18" doll and matching patterns for the doll and my grandbaby and I will be making the matching outfits. I said I would NEVER make another doll wardrobe, but for her, the moon is the limit.

  32. User avater
    kvenkat | | #32

    I have 10 new Indian sarees I received over the past couple years which I can not wear until I sew a matching blouse for each. I'm so behind! Wanna make some cotton kurtis too.

  33. User avater
    Roya0629 | | #33

    Hmmm...good question!

    I want to experiment with sheer fabrics and do some real nice dresses and maxi-dresses. I want to make the 30 minute jacket as a cover-up for some of them as well. And I am making obi sash belts for some of them too. Just want to look a little different from other folks this summer. Wish me luck.

  34. raslalique | | #34

    I will be redecorating my house plus making summer dresses, finishing some ufo's and making a new work wardrobe for my new job.

  35. kafree2fly | | #35

    I have a lot of stashbusting to do, and I've already started on some of it (a green burnout chiffon dress, a tweed skirt with leftovers from a jacket, and a couple of tops with some leftover stretch fabric). Last summer, I started putting money in a piggybank for projects completed--$2-3 for quickie little projects (e.g. refashioning of existing garments), $5-10 for things like skirts and pants, $20 for dresses and jackets. It worked like a dream, so my goal is to sew enough to set aside $100...and, if I buy any new fabric (which I'm also trying to avoid until I sew through more of what I have), sew enough to "break even" with what goes in the piggybank!

  36. rosesewsew | | #36

    I will be busy this summer sewing my new purse design to put in a shop for sale. I have plans to sew some summer outfits for my one and only great-granddaughter, who is the apple of my eye.

    I also need some new summer tops, so will be making several sleeveless tops.

  37. User avater
    Ribbqah08 | | #37

    Jumpsuits and shorts for my grandson (age 2) and a bed jacket for myself (for next fall/winter) - I like to drink my coffee and read the morning paper when I awake then magazines and pattern directions in the evening before sleeping and the room is often cold (when the furnace is still 55)

  38. User avater
    Ribbqah08 | | #38

    Summer jumpsuits and shorts for my grandson (age 2) and a bed jacket for myself (for next fall/winter) - I like to drink my coffee and read the morning paper when I awake then magazines and pattern directions in the evening before sleeping and the room is often cold (when the furnace is still 55)

  39. sewquilter | | #39

    I am doing about 40 to 50 pet fleece blankets for the Tuscaloosa animal shelter (the tornade tradegy). they have over 400 dogs that need help. I have also taken some quilting classes. I learned how to do a string quilt and i am doing a bow tuck purse. I am also going to make a white linen a Little Something Jacket (you can get the pattern at any sewing store or quilt store). It is so easy to do. I have already done 4 little something jackets.

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