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Download a Free Alexander McQueen Jacket Pattern

Threads magazine - 162 - Aug./Sept. 2012

Claire Shaeffer’s article about Alexander McQueen in Threads #162 features beautiful photos of McQueen’s garments. Enjoy the extra photos of this jacket that didn’t make it into the issue, and try your hand at making your own designer garment. This kimono-inspired jacket was made from a pattern created with Alexander McQueen’s permission and was based on his autumn/winter 2003 collection; it is available as a free download at ShowStudio.com.


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  1. judystitcher | | #1

    What a waste

  2. user-616742 | | #2

    As a designer myself, I respect the concept that Alexander McQueen brought to this kimono-inspired jacket. Combining such diverse cultural design styles (Western Victoriana and Eastern traditional dress), plus giving it timeless look is not an easy feat. To me, the darker colorway of blue gives the jacket a mysterious quality. I place his garments in the wearable art category and not for everyone. Thank you, Threads, for making this pattern available; I hope I will be successful in replacating it.

    The magazine article on McQueen's style is very interesting; we've seen a taste of his style of garment creating on Project Runway.

  3. Ikebana152 | | #3

    I visited the McQueen exhibit many times at the Met and had the luck to have a friend who had worked at the Costume Exhibit, so we got a tour of the exhibit on a day when the museum was closed to the public. The tailoring was superb. The ability to take a very familiar almost mundane garment and simply extend the line of a lapel or lift the edges of a corset and suddenly have a garment that was new and daring and yet staid and familiar was amazing. The level of craftsmanship, understanding of form and drape, and the use of unusual materials was the most creative I have seen in any fashion exhibit. Even if you don't like the McQueen aesthetic, it's difficult to not appreciate the level of craftsmanship.

    The jacket above I do not think is a great example of his work. The background, poor lighting and styling make it difficult to see the construction and frankly the tights do nothing to enhance the jacket. I'll download the pattern because I am curious about the complexity of the pattern, but this is not a McQueen I would want to wear.

  4. lisacooperkeil | | #4

    I was unable to download this pattern as my adobe reader said the file was corrupted. Did anyone else have this problem?

  5. User avater
    Minimauve | | #5

    I'm tempted to make a muslin of this just to see how it actually looks and works but I have a feeling it will be a huge challenge. I sincerely hope donning this garment does not have the unfortunate effect it had on the model - a combination temper tantrum/O moment/seizure. How embarrassing that would be. Of course it could have been caused by the hideous tights... At what point in the future will we cease to have spray-on tights inflicted on us? They are the least attractive garments a woman can wear.

  6. user-1149770 | | #6

    I did not have a "no-can-do" problem, as user-370513 did. But I do have a serious concern to offer to Threads. Why must pages that we would love to print for ourselves require so much dreadfully expensive ink? Why can't the garments or the backgrounds, or both, be shown using lighter colored surfaces? I have no objection to seeing garments made up in lighter colors and shown against a neutral background. Printer ink is anything but cheap, as everyone knows, even the editors at Threads. Please consider this suggestion and respect the fact that most people these days are not hoarding pots of gold in their sewing rooms.

    Thank you for listening, Threads. And please agree.

  7. User avater
    idreamofsewing | | #7

    I think it's a beautiful garment, especially the back view. I had no trouble downloading it -- thank you Threads!

  8. User avater
    Tootle | | #8

    McQueen's designs have always inspired me to: create without fear of failure.

  9. dagmarthor | | #9

    I may be a strange old woman but I see a lot of potential in this jacket. Whether it is McQueen typical or not (I don't know anything about McQueen) if you look at the images on the web-sites where you can download the pattern it is certainly versatile when you see what other people have made using this pattern. If you don't like it - don't download. I think it can be great fun not only to construct it but also figuring out how to add details like embroidery or how about have a go in a striped fabric inspired by the recent stripe article in Threads. Come on - this is a free pattern! Thank you Threads for pointing me in this direction.

  10. User avater
    MissPat | | #10

    Why was a beautiful black jacket photographed against a dark background? Aren't we supposed to see the jacket?

  11. user-2004928 | | #11

    Thank you so much for the download. I really enjoyed the McQueen article. I have to agree with others who said that the jacket is hard to see in the original dark fabric on dark background photos, but some of the gallery submissions are excellent. My heartfelt gratitude to those talented folks who made up such fantastic garments and were willing to share them. Thank you again for making this available!

  12. user-2004928 | | #12

    Thank you so much for the download. I really enjoyed the McQueen article. I have to agree with others who said that the jacket is hard to see in the original dark fabric on dark background photos, but some of the gallery submissions are excellent. My heartfelt gratitude to those talented folks who made up such fantastic garments and were willing to share them. Thank you again for making this available!

  13. user-1086950 | | #13

    For Miss Pat - rofl. I too was scrolling around looking for something a little more visual-friendly.

  14. BlueHeronStitch | | #14

    I found this download three years ago, and couldn't wait to see what it would look like, not knowing the finished size, etc. I made it the same day I downloaded, folding and pleating, much like an origami puzzle. I was finished by the evening, and 'whew' it fit! For those of you trying it out now, the fit is similar to a USA 6-10 depending on the amount of ease you like. It is short in the back. I'm pleased to see more pictures now, as I'm still not sure I put the back together properly... my tucks aren't as pronounced as in the photo.
    Try it with a stripe fabric, as it really shows off the construction!

  15. veras | | #15

    The great SHOWStudio site has a few other patterns to download, including a Yohji Yamamoto top, a cute Junya Watanabe dress and other more avant patterns. It's a great website, lots of reviews on the latest fashion shows too.
    Thanks for posting the link to their website!

  16. User avater
    Deana | | #16

    We've updated the post to feature the garments on a lighter background. It should be easier to see the garment details in these new photos. And, we'll be adding more detail photos shortly. Thanks for all of your comments and we hope you enjoy the link to the free pattern!
    Best regards, Deana May, Editor, Threads Magazine

  17. Ikebana152 | | #17

    Thank you Threads for the link to the pattern and the Showstudio website! The photos there and the gallery submissions give a wholly different view of the jacket. The site is also a treasure trove of interesting collections and photos. I found the photos of the students from Central St. Martins, aspiring designers still defining themselves, not pushed by "need to sell" interesting. Thanks again.

  18. MissYolanda | | #18

    I agree with user616742.. "not for everyone". I loved the style.


  19. UKreader | | #19

    Hi all! I love this design and I'm going to try it for myself even though I have not made clothes for quite a long time. Please forgive my ignorance but do I have to add seam allowances to the pattern or are they included? I emailed the website with this question but they didn't reply.
    thank you

  20. User avater
    Djonee | | #20

    @ VERA S.. Where did u find those other patterns at ??? thanks..I wish more designers of that sort would release patterns even if they were from past collections..I would love a chanel , valentino circa2005-2008, gucci the tom ford years.., zac posen, elie saab, markesa(sp),

  21. User avater
    BarbaraHewitt | | #21

    Thank you for the pattern. I plan on getting a full-size copy. Designers are so very creative. It would e great to have other designer originals.

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