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Why Don’t You . . . ? Take a Trip with a TNT

Fellow stitchers, today’s missive from Diana Vreeland is smack dab in our wheelhouse:

“Why don’t you . . . find one dress that you like and have it copied many times? You will be much more successful than if you try to produce new effects each evening.”

We’ve got the first half of today’s challenge in the bag. Scratch that, we’re one up on Ms. Vreeland: We have complete control over the “copying” of the dress. Every sewing enthusiast has a design we love to pieces: a tried ’n true (TNT) pattern that has been used so much  it’s falling apart. It’s marked up, folded, squished, taped along the edges, and worn to pieces. Unless of course, you’re that squirrel that traces out their patterns for a rainy day—good squirrel, you.

The second half of this “Why Don’t You . . . ?” refers to what, likely, select few of us have a need for on a regular basis: enough dresses for a quick visit to Cannes, a week at Monte Carlo, maybe a jaunt on the QE2 (ocean liner turned floating hotel), or a stay in the Hamptons. How refreshing, to pull from your steamer trunk a dress in every fabric—with a hemline or sleeve treatment adjusted here or there for a different feel—in a silhouette you are assured will dazzle everyone, as you glide down the grand staircase to dinner each evening.

I am not that jet-setting squirrel. When I do vacation, it’s usually far less . . . grand. However, now that the days are warmer, I’ll be living in maxidress land, party of one, whether I’m going to eat outdoors, running to the drugstore, or just lounging on the sofa.

Marcy Harriell wears a tropical print dress she made using a TNT pattern.


The pattern

Vogue 9253, how do I love thee? Let…

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  1. fashionmavin | | #1

    Great looking dress and choice of color and fabric. It is really beautiful and she looks great in it. Very Spring-like....

    1. User avater
      marcyharriell | | #2

      Thank you! It’s a great transitional dress, makes me feel like spring, but keeps me warm when Mother Nature decides to walk it back 😁

  2. User avater
    beckyf | | #3

    I read an article in the NYT this morning about "languishing." The author supposed that this might be the emotion of 2021...not exactly depressed, but not thriving either. He hit the nail on the head for me. I have been 'languishing' this spring...so when I read your TNT vacation idea I was like, "book it Danno!" Thank you for the lovely eye candy dress, AND the excellent travel recommendation! I am mapping my TNT trip and packing my pins! Bon Voyage, Becky.

    1. User avater
      marcyharriell | | #5

      Thanks Becky!! Apparently I’ve been languishing since posting this! I read that same article—well, that is to say, I saw the title, got the gist, and didn’t read any further in order to avoid deeper languishing 🙃

  3. gillzach | | #4

    Great job!! So nice to hear someone else makes mistakes like I do, and then to hear how we often are challenged to make it work--it's almost more fun (afterwards) to know how you made it work. Like we got away with something. I agree with BeckyF after reading the same article...thrilled to see this dress, which made me really happy and excited. Perhaps a read of Ms. Vreeland's bio would help too. I really love seeing it made up in different fabrics. I have the pattern on my wish list.

    1. User avater
      marcyharriell | | #6

      Like we got away with something— EXACTLY. That must be what makes it so delicious!

      I read Vreeland’s bio a few years back—highly recommend it. She lived very out loud.

  4. [email protected] | | #7

    So about those pattern sizes:
    As someone who has multiple copies of certain TNTs, I know how easy it is to pull the wrong one. I now date the front of the envelope in highlighter, with notes like "NEW 2019". I'm somewhat pear-shaped. When I alter a pattern to fit my hip, I note that too, with "Altered to X-inch hip 2018". The year helps me guesstimate which piece in my closet matches that alteration.

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